Member-only story
#KeepMasksInHealthcare — removing them is discriminatory
This post was originally posted as a thread on Twitter appealing press/media to cover the removals of mask requirements in healthcare settings. I have made some editorial changes to make this more readable, since long-form writing is very different than how a Twitter thread is composed.
It’s vital to hire disabled people to report on the discriminatory removal of masks in healthcare settings including investigating what disability rights orgs are doing re: its defiance of the ADA, section 504 & more.
In the very least, interview us.
The ADA isn't enforced unless we have help. Please help us amplify this until healthcare & longterm care settings (in the very least) reinstate mask requirements.
Please help us hold these facilities accountable to their discriminatory, ableist actions.
I'm not an attorney, but recent personal experience that required legal assistance from a disability rights org re: healthcare setting masks supports my interpretation of the ADA, section 504 & other federal & state laws in today's context: Masks = access.
1 — Many laws "require that [healthcare facilities provide]: Full & equal access to their [...] facilities; Reasonable modifications to policies…